PRIME: All-in-One Organ Health Born out of Necessity
This is my dad around the same age I am now. I was around the same age as my son Zavier.
And around that time, I lost my grandpa. My dad lost his dad.
Heart disease.
Family history.
Shitty blood work.
My dad has always put a lot into his health. He wants to be around for his children. For his grandchildren.
I want my dad. My kids want their Pops.
Several years back, we discussed his supplementation. I wanted him to use everything he could to maximize his health. The problem was that, for any normal person (i.e. everyone but me), this was an overwhelming task.
Then it hit me; If it can be done, then it must be done. I would be the one to do it.
PRIME was born out of necessity. Out of selfishness. I want my dad. My kids want their Pops.